The Clubhouse

The clubhouse lounge occupies the majority of the space and is furnished with tables, chairs, lounge chairs and a walk out to the protected porch overlooking the water. Two gas BBQs are located on the porch alongside more tables and chairs.
The clubhouse and porch are the centre points for social activity, events, club meetings summer and winter, with a forced air furnace and a wood burning stove providing the heat for year-round use.
At present there are no city services in the area. Drinking water is provided via a jug potable water dispenser. Water for showers, sinks, toilet flushing, and boat wash-down is pumped from Lake Ontario. The pressure water system has filters, though is not safe for drinking.
We have a separate washroom building with 2 flush toilets and a separate shower room. During the winter the washroom building is winterized and a portable toilet is available.